then you’re qualified to have this drink. You also probably have a long beard and think a great way to spend a Saturday night is with your nose buried in a thick instruction manual for some kind of computer equipment that has a lot of blinking lights and noisy fans. In other words, you’re our kind of people!
Stop blogging about why one distribution of Linux is subtly better than another, (ahem “orders of magnitude” better than another), and chill out with a few of your favorite peeps. You know, soak the toes. Kick back a few brews. Lose the clothes and hang out with a few friends, just to see what happens.
(pssst! In case you think we’re “hatin'” on ya, here’s our nerd cred: We posted this message on “Pi Day“, March 14th… at 3:14:15pm… we’re on your side!)
When it’s the shortest day of the year, and you live in a cold climate (as your humble editors do), what are you and your peeps to do?
That’s right, it’s time for us snowbirds to migrate, so today’s peep-themed drink special is inspired by the bikers of Daytona Beach, the college parties of Fort Lauderdale, and the Vices of Miami!
Supposedly invented at some crazy Florida Tiki Bar in the 50s, this is one of those sickly-sweet drinks with no particular taste that gets mixed with all the excess flavored liqueurs behind the bar that nobody ever orders. (What, you were expecting something elegant or ‘refined’, on a website like this?)
Ready for a nice long weekend? Bit of grilling, perhaps? BBQ? Juice up the old firepit? Toss some beef onto the heat? Stick an apple into a piglet’s mouth, and give it a few turns on the spit?
However you say it, we couldn’t help notice the popularity of last year’s “How to speak Australian” peepdrink… so we’ve been trying to figure out how to improve on it. All of a sudden, it hit us with a flash:
This beer has been through a lot. The Leffe abbey got its start in 1152 in Belgium. Since then, it was destroyed by flood in 1460. Burned down by a fire in 1466. Damaged by a passing army in 1735. Abandoned in the wake of the French Revolution of 1794… and after restarting in 1902 it recently suffered the greatest disgrace of all: It’s now Budweiser.
That’s right, it partnered with yuppie-friendly but still-actually-Belgian Stella Artois, and it is bottled and distributed by American shame-of-the-beers Anheuser-Busch.
Sad times for those who appreciate fine craftsmanship… and small solace, to know that the original abbey still receives royalties. One more great institution sold out. <sigh> In times like these, there’s only one thing we can think to do:
Think there aren’t peeps in Japan? Haven’t you seen the Shochu Peeps? It’s like an Asian invAsion around here!
Transport yourself to the Far East with a handmade origami kimono for your most favorite peep, and reminisce about a time when bushido was about more than just cosplay.
EDITORS’ NOTE: Not to complain, but you wouldn’t believe how long it took us to get this peep to behave for the photo… show us some love, eh?
The traditional drink for ear-cutting, hallucinatory, suicidal artistic types, Absenthe needs its turn through the Peep Factory.
Whether you consider the French or the Swiss to be the “original,” just be sure to use the European “real stuff.” There are some watered-down American versions with less of the trippy wormwood, the mildly psychoactive ingredient that makes it fun.
2oz Absenthe
1oz icewater
tumbler with several ice cubes
stir to enjoy the “luge” (transition from clear to milky-opaque)
Easter is big for the W with its proximity to the White House egg roll and other festivities, so the drinks started on an Easter theme. There was the cotton-candy-blue Which Came First (blue curaçao, vanilla, and heavy cream, hot pink sugar rim – and a bright yellow Peep floating in the middle) and the Cotton Tail which featured actual cotton candy
Perfect for Memorial Day parties, this college classic never gets old. Or, if it does, I can’t seem to remember it.
2 oz vodka
1 oz Kahlúa
1 oz club soda
1 reckless peep
1 drinking straw
Pour vodka into a short, wide glass. Next is the trickiest part – with the glass on table, very gently pour in a little Kahlúa. To get the “layer” effect, it must be added extremely gently. The best way is to hold a spoon in the glass, just above the surface of the vodka, and pour the tequila onto the spoon, letting it trickle down. The Kahlúa is heavier, so it will sink below the vodka. Think “eye-dropper”, it really has to be that slow. You may be able to use the edge of the glass to help.
Once you’ve got those two layers, do the same thing with a little bit of club soda or seltzer. Viewed from the side, you should be able to see all three layers (the vodka will be swirly).
Don’t forget to add the peep, for moral support.
To drink this peepcoction, hold the straw vertically, lean over the glass, and put a straw all the way to the bottom. Suck the entire drink through the straw all at once — you’ll have a great view, as the dark Kahlúa disappears and the drink turns clear. If you do it all at once, the first thing you taste is coffee, and the club soda at the end will clear and refresh your palate.
If you’ve enjoyed a few too many PeepDrinks, the next morning you’re likely to be looking for a cure. Â And we have one!
Of course it’s best if the eggs are free range organic, and for the hot sauce I heartily recommend “Psycho Bitch” mango habañero, brand, with the tagline “PMS in a bottle”)
By the way, don’t actually try to take a shortcut and simply eat the habañero, else this may happen: If you fancy the hot sauce, I recommend shopping — this is not a paid endorsement, I just love the vendor!