Are you ready for this year’s Easter abomination?
Don’t get eaten by this colorful but risky drink…
- 1 oz Chambord
- 1 oz Frangelico
- 1 oz Vodka
- peep, ribbon, balloons
Chill and shake the ingredients, close your eyes and think of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
April 18, 2016
Short URL chambord, Frangelico, jelly, marshmallow peeps, PB and J, PB&J, peanut butter, Peanut Butter Jelly Shot, peep drinks, peep liqueur, peeps, peeps and alcohol, recipe PB&J shot, recipe peanut butter and jelly, vodka
When I get into a scuffle, around Easter Time, I always make sure I’ve got my Peeps On-Hand. Literally.
So soft and fluffy, they’ll make anyone want to turn the other cheek!
A yummy solution to any interpersonal difficulties, especially those which arise from consuming too many PeepDrinks…
April 6, 2016
Short URL alcohol, barfight, bars, brass knuckles, drinking problem, drinks, peepdrinks, peeps
Un-peep-lievable… An explosion of emoji popularity has been one of the hallmarks of 2016, and the “Poo Emoji” is one of the most surprising “break-out” stars. But we didn’t think it would make its way around to our neck of the woods. We were wrong!
Check out this outrageous story from Laughing Squid!

Poop Peeps? No Way!
March 23, 2016
Short URL emoji, marshmallow peeps, peeps, poo emoji, poomoji, poop peeps
If you know what this means:
<#include stdio.h>
then you’re qualified to have this drink. You also probably have a long beard and think a great way to spend a Saturday night is with your nose buried in a thick instruction manual for some kind of computer equipment that has a lot of blinking lights and noisy fans. In other words, you’re our kind of people!
Stop blogging about why one distribution of Linux is subtly better than another, (ahem “orders of magnitude” better than another), and chill out with a few of your favorite peeps. You know, soak the toes. Kick back a few brews. Lose the clothes and hang out with a few friends, just to see what happens.
(pssst! In case you think we’re “hatin'” on ya, here’s our nerd cred: We posted this message on “Pi Day“, March 14th… at 3:14:15pm… we’re on your side!)
Much love, from the Editor
March 14, 2014
Short URL beer, beer peeps, brew, geek, hot tub, hot tub peeps, Linux, March 14, marshmallow peeps, nerd, peep drinks, peeps, peeps and beer, Pi, Pi Day, programmer, stdio
When it’s the shortest day of the year, and you live in a cold climate (as your humble editors do), what are you and your peeps to do?
That’s right, it’s time for us snowbirds to migrate, so today’s peep-themed drink special is inspired by the bikers of Daytona Beach, the college parties of Fort Lauderdale, and the Vices of Miami!
Supposedly invented at some crazy Florida Tiki Bar in the 50s, this is one of those sickly-sweet drinks with no particular taste that gets mixed with all the excess flavored liqueurs behind the bar that nobody ever orders. (What, you were expecting something elegant or ‘refined’, on a website like this?)
Here’s our favorite interpretation:
- Two cups ice
- 1 oz light rum
- 1 oz dark rum or aged rum
- 1 oz Bacardi 151º to float on top
- 1 oz pineapple juice
- 1 oz orange juice
- 1 oz blackberry liqueur
- 1 oz banana liqueur
- Splash of grenadine
- Slice of citrus
- PEEP!!!
Enjoy responsibly, and remember “No means No”.
December 21, 2013
Short URL alcohol and peeps, best rum runner recipe ever, marshmallow peep drinks, marshmallow peeps, Miami Vice, peep drinks, peeps, recipe for rum runner, red drinks, rum, rum runner, rum runner recipe
Line up your peeps for the last rays of summer… and get ready for this fully decadent refreshment:
- Crushed ice cubes
- 1/2 cup rum
- 1/2 cup coconut cream
- 1/4 cup coconut milk
- 1/4 cup pineapple chunks
- Sliced pineapple garnish
- Maraschino cherry garnish
Mix in blender, pour into a hollowed-out pineapple or coconut. Best enjoyed while inside a hot tub. With beautiful people, like you!
September 2, 2013
Short URL cherry, coconut, coconut cream, maraschino cherry, marshmallow drinks, marshmallow peeps, milk, peep colada, peep drinks, peep-a-colada, peeps with alcohol, pina colada, pineapple, sliced pineapple
Ready for a nice long weekend? Bit of grilling, perhaps? BBQ? Juice up the old firepit? Toss some beef onto the heat? Stick an apple into a piglet’s mouth, and give it a few turns on the spit?
However you say it, we couldn’t help notice the popularity of last year’s “How to speak Australian” peepdrink… so we’ve been trying to figure out how to improve on it. All of a sudden, it hit us with a flash:
All food is better when served on a stick!
So here we go:
- Take an unseparated row of peeps
- Skewer it without mercy
- Burn it like a horror movie
Enjoy with something light and refreshing!
May 24, 2013
Short URL alcoholic peeps, australian, australian peeps, barbecue, barbie, BBQ, bbq peeps, burned, burned marshmallows, burned peeps, burnt, food on a stick, fosters, grill, marshmallow on a stick, overcooked, peep drink recipes, peep drinks, peeps and alcohol, roasted, scorched
A peeple-pleasing twist on a classic staple beverage – great for “Thirsty Thursday”, and especially refreshing in Spring and Summer!
- 2oz vodka, over ice
- 2oz fresh-squeezed O.J.
- 1 classic peep
- 1 stirrer to impale the peep
April 11, 2013
Short URL alcohol peeps, marshmallow peeps, oj, orange juice, Peep, peep drinks, peepdriver, peeps and alcohol, screwdriver, screwdriver recipe, vodka oj
This beer has been through a lot. The Leffe abbey got its start in 1152 in Belgium. Since then, it was destroyed by flood in 1460. Burned down by a fire in 1466. Damaged by a passing army in 1735. Abandoned in the wake of the French Revolution of 1794… and after restarting in 1902 it recently suffered the greatest disgrace of all: It’s now Budweiser.
That’s right, it partnered with yuppie-friendly but still-actually-Belgian Stella Artois, and it is bottled and distributed by American shame-of-the-beers Anheuser-Busch.
Sad times for those who appreciate fine craftsmanship… and small solace, to know that the original abbey still receives royalties. One more great institution sold out. <sigh> In times like these, there’s only one thing we can think to do:
- dress a peep in the finest monastic garb
- garnish a snifter of fine abbey ale
- consume like a fraternity pledge!
April 2, 2013
Short URL alcoholic peeps, ale, beer, Belgian, brew, brewer, friar, Leffe, man of the cloth, marshmallow peep, monk, of the cloth, Peep, peep drinks, peep monk, peep of the cloth, peepdrinks, rope, Trappist, twine
Think there aren’t peeps in Japan? Haven’t you seen the Shochu Peeps? It’s like an Asian invAsion around here!
Transport yourself to the Far East with a handmade origami kimono for your most favorite peep, and reminisce about a time when bushido was about more than just cosplay.
EDITORS’ NOTE: Not to complain, but you wouldn’t believe how long it took us to get this peep to behave for the photo… show us some love, eh?
April 2, 2013
Short URL alcoholic peeps, Asian, bushido, Japan, Japanese, kimono, marshmallow peep, origami, Peep, peep drinks, peeps and alcohol, rice wine, sake
The traditional drink for ear-cutting, hallucinatory, suicidal artistic types, Absenthe needs its turn through the Peep Factory.
Whether you consider the French or the Swiss to be the “original,” just be sure to use the European “real stuff.” There are some watered-down American versions with less of the trippy wormwood, the mildly psychoactive ingredient that makes it fun.
- 2oz Absenthe
- 1oz icewater
- tumbler with several ice cubes
- stir to enjoy the “luge” (transition from clear to milky-opaque)
- do something unpredictable to the green peep
April 2, 2013
Short URL absenthe, alcoholic peeps, green, hallucinogenic, marshmallow peeps, peep drinks, peeps, peeps and alcohol, psychoactive, wormwood
The Japanese call it “Shochu”. The Koreans call it “Soju”. Kinda like the Russians’ “Wodka”. Or the Hillbillies’ “Hootch”.
But straight distilled grain spirits by any other name would still be Peeptastic in our book!
- 2oz Japanese Rice Liquor
- over ice
- 1 slice Pink Grapefruit
- 1 skewer of impaled peeps, assorted colors
We choose to plate this with gently steamed broccoli florets, drizzled in a Yuzu Teriyaki sauce.
April 2, 2013
Short URL broccoli, grapefruit, Japanese, Korean, marshmallow peeps, peeps, pink grapefruit, savory, shochu, soju, teriyaki, yuzu
Have this for dessert instead!
- 1.5 oz of Cake Vodka
- 1oz of Creme de Caco
- 2oz of half & half
- Rim the glass with white cake frosting and dip into sprinkles
- Cut Peep to sit on glass rim
Drink and enjoy!
Many thanks to reader Mary Krawiec for this submission!
March 31, 2013
Short URL birthday, birthday cake, peeptini
Enjoying a cold beer with my Peeps, Pete, Petunia and Princess Buttercup.
Many thanks to reader Jill Ulinski for this submission!
March 31, 2013
Short URL blue, buttercup, ice, petunia, princess, princess buttercup
Two parts margarita, one part blue curaçao, three parts stupidity.
“Laugh it up, fuzzball!”
March 29, 2012
Short URL alcohol, blue, blue alcohol, blue margarita, blue peeparita, colorful drink, colorful peep drink, curacao, drinks, drinks with props, drunk at sea, iced beverage, iced drink, margarita, peep margarita, props, shark
What up? What’s happening?
How come sports people think cheap brandy is a status symbol?
Make a pyramid of cheering peep-leaders, and salute your favorite idol-of-the-minute with our latest abomination.
March 27, 2012
Short URL basket peeps, basketball, basketpeeps, brandy, cheerleaders, cognac, Hennessy, knicks, lin, lin-storm, lin-tastic, peep cheerleaders, peepball, peeps, pyramid, sporting peeps, sports, sports pyramid
Oops, was that supposed to be:
“Hit us peeps assed rail ya in?”
“Addle-pated braille eon?”
However you “speak Australian”, choose Fosters. Because it’s the kind of beer that can be improved by anything. Even peeps.
I mean, “This is the kind of beer that people who eat peeps would want to drink. with peeps. or something.”
Someone stop me before I get pwned by some big people.
March 24, 2012
Short URL accent, aussie, australian, bad beer, bloke, foster's for beer, how to speak australian, melbourne, oil can, outback, outback steak house, oz, ozzie, sydney
Celebrating the day the good Saint Patrick rid the Emerald Isle of peeps…
March 17, 2012
Short URL beer, green, irish, killian's, murphy's, Peep, Saint Patrick's Day, saint peeprick's day, shamrock, st patricks day, St. Peeprick
Easter is big for the W with its proximity to the White House egg roll and other festivities, so the drinks started on an Easter theme. There was the cotton-candy-blue Which Came First (blue curaçao, vanilla, and heavy cream, hot pink sugar rim – and a bright yellow Peep floating in the middle) and the Cotton Tail which featured actual cotton candy
June 22, 2011
Short URL Blue Curaçao, drinks with peeps, heavy cream, hot pink, marshmallow peeps, peep drinks, sugar rim, vanilla, W Hotel,
Fellow peepfanatic NoLaGrrlNYC contributed this fun link… not exactly peeps with drinks, but plushiepeeps in all different situations… truly inspired 
And since you are a peep-natic or peepophile or whatever the term would be, you may enjoy the shots a friend took of the plushie peeps I sent her this year at
And you can follow NoLaGrrl at:
June 21, 2011
Short URL karinanotcinerina, NoLaGrrlNYC, Peep Plush, peeps in situ, Plushie Peep, valarywithawhy