When I get into a scuffle, around Easter Time, I always make sure I’ve got my Peeps On-Hand. Literally.
So soft and fluffy, they’ll make anyone want to turn the other cheek!
A yummy solution to any interpersonal difficulties, especially those which arise from consuming too many PeepDrinks…
April 6, 2016
Short URL alcohol, barfight, bars, brass knuckles, drinking problem, drinks, peepdrinks, peeps
This beer has been through a lot. The Leffe abbey got its start in 1152 in Belgium. Since then, it was destroyed by flood in 1460. Burned down by a fire in 1466. Damaged by a passing army in 1735. Abandoned in the wake of the French Revolution of 1794… and after restarting in 1902 it recently suffered the greatest disgrace of all: It’s now Budweiser.
That’s right, it partnered with yuppie-friendly but still-actually-Belgian Stella Artois, and it is bottled and distributed by American shame-of-the-beers Anheuser-Busch.
Sad times for those who appreciate fine craftsmanship… and small solace, to know that the original abbey still receives royalties. One more great institution sold out. <sigh> In times like these, there’s only one thing we can think to do:
- dress a peep in the finest monastic garb
- garnish a snifter of fine abbey ale
- consume like a fraternity pledge!
April 2, 2013
Short URL alcoholic peeps, ale, beer, Belgian, brew, brewer, friar, Leffe, man of the cloth, marshmallow peep, monk, of the cloth, Peep, peep drinks, peep monk, peep of the cloth, peepdrinks, rope, Trappist, twine
We’re just one week away from the close of the first PeepDrinks.com Reader Submission contest!
Remember, vote by sharing on facebook or tweeting with an entry’s hashtags… You can browse all the entries at http://www.peepdrinks.com/category/reader-submissions/ — every “share” on facebook is worth 5 points, and every “tweet” is worth 2 points.
So far, the scores are:
Who will win?
The Painkiller Peeps (actually not “alcohol with peeps”, but a recipe for how to make peeps out of alcohol) is in the lead… But 2nd and 3rd place are just one tweet apart from each other! Â Do you have an entry in the contest? Â It’s not too late to enter, if you think you can get a lot of shares… and even though there’s no prize for 2nd or 3rd place, I wouldn’t be surprised if either one of them tried to pull ahead!
Good Luck to all, and remember, the winner gets a bottle of vodka plus 4 gross of peeps. Â That’s 576 opportunities to start planning for the next contest…
May 23, 2011
Short URL contest, marshmallow peeps, peepdrinks, peepdrinks contest, peeps and alcohol, peeps and booze
- 6oz Van Gogh Blueberry-Açai Vodka
- 1oz Sweet Vermouth
- 1 marshmallow peep
Pour alcohol into a shaker filled with ice cubes, chill and strain into glass, garnish with marshmallow peep.
It’s simple, but colorful and tasty… A friend gave me a bottle of this stuff, and I just had to include it on this site 
Remember, it’s all about fun — and what could be more fun than alcohol and peeps, together? Have ideas of your own? Feel free to comment on any of the posts here, or to subscribe to our updates and new recipeeps… Or to give us some feedback about what you think of the site. If you’re really adventurous, you can even Share your own recipe!

alternate image of the PeepBerry Açai Pink and Purple
January 4, 2011
Short URL acai, blueberry, peepdrinks, pink, purple, van gogh